Creating a Service Using SC Utility: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Creating a Service Using SC Utility: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to create a service using SC Utility? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of creating a service using SC Utility, specifically using the srvany.exe utility. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to create a service that runs your Python script seamlessly.

What is SC Utility?

SC Utility, also known as Service Control Utility, is a command-line utility that allows you to create, manage, and control system services in Windows. It’s a powerful tool that helps you automate tasks, schedule maintenance, and ensure system stability. In this article, we’ll focus on using SC Utility to create a service that runs a Python script.

What is srvany.exe?

srvany.exe is a utility that allows you to run any executable or script as a Windows service. It’s a part of the Windows Resource Kit and is commonly used to create services that run scripts, batch files, or executables. In our case, we’ll use srvany.exe to create a service that runs our Python script.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A Python script that you want to run as a service
  • srvany.exe utility (part of the Windows Resource Kit)
  • Administrative privileges on your Windows system

Step 1: Create a New Service Using SC Utility

Open Command Prompt as an administrator and navigate to the directory where you want to create the service. In our example, we’ll create the service in the `C:\Program Files\Tools` directory.

C:\>cd C:\Program Files\Tools

Now, use the following command to create a new service using SC Utility:

C:\Program Files\Tools>sc create pythonservice binpath= C:\Program Files\Tools\srvany.exe

This command creates a new service called `pythonservice` with the binary path set to `C:\Program Files\Tools\srvany.exe`.

Step 2: Configure the Service to Run Your Python Script

Now that we have created the service, we need to configure it to run our Python script. We’ll use the `srvany.exe` utility to achieve this.

Create a new file called `srvany.cfg` in the same directory where you created the service, and add the following configuration:

Start=C:\Python39\python.exe C:\Path\To\Your\Python\

In this configuration file, we’re telling `srvany.exe` to start the Python interpreter with our Python script as an argument when the service starts. Replace `C:\Python39\python.exe` with the path to your Python executable, and `C:\Path\To\Your\Python\` with the path to your Python script.

Understanding the srvany.cfg Configuration File

The `srvany.cfg` file has four sections: `Start`, `Stop`, `Pause`, and `Continue`. Each section specifies the command or executable to run when the service is started, stopped, paused, or continued.

Section Description
Start Specifies the command or executable to run when the service is started.
Stop Specifies the command or executable to run when the service is stopped.
Pause Specifies the command or executable to run when the service is paused.
Continue Specifies the command or executable to run when the service is continued.

Step 3: Start the Service

Now that we have configured the service, it’s time to start it. Use the following command to start the service:

C:\Program Files\Tools>sc start pythonservice

This command starts the `pythonservice` service, which in turn runs your Python script using the `srvany.exe` utility.

Step 4: Verify the Service Status

To verify that the service is running, use the following command:

C:\Program Files\Tools>sc query pythonservice

This command shows the status of the `pythonservice` service, including whether it’s running, paused, or stopped.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the process, here are some common troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the event logs for errors related to the service.
  2. Verify that the `srvany.exe` utility and your Python script are in the correct locations.
  3. Check the `srvany.cfg` file for syntax errors or incorrect paths.
  4. Try starting the service manually using the `sc start` command to see if it throws any errors.


That’s it! You have successfully created a service using SC Utility and srvany.exe that runs your Python script. This service will now run automatically whenever your Windows system boots up, ensuring that your Python script is executed reliably and efficiently.

By following these steps, you can create services for any executable or script, making it easy to automate tasks and maintain system stability. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that arise, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about creating a service using SC Utility with srvany.exe!

What is the purpose of using srvany.exe to create a service?

srvany.exe is a utility that allows you to run any executable as a Windows service. It’s particularly useful when you need to run a program that doesn’t have native support for running as a service. By using srvany.exe, you can create a service that wraps around your executable, enabling it to run in the background and start automatically on boot.

What is the correct syntax for creating a service using SC Utility and srvany.exe?

The correct syntax is: `sc create PythonService binpath= “C:\Program Files\Tools\srvany.exe”`. This command creates a new service named `PythonService` that runs the `srvany.exe` executable located at `C:\Program Files\Tools\srvany.exe`.

How do I specify the Python script to run as a service using srvany.exe?

You need to create a registry key that specifies the Python script to run as a service. Create a new key at `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PythonService\Parameters` and add a string value named `Application` with the path to your Python script, for example, `C:\Path\To\your\`.

What is the difference between running a script as a service and running it manually?

When you run a script as a service, it runs in the background and starts automatically on boot, whereas running it manually requires you to manually start the script each time. Running as a service also allows the script to continue running even when you’re not logged in, making it ideal for tasks that need to run continuously.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my service created using srvany.exe?

To troubleshoot issues, check the Event Viewer logs for errors related to your service. You can also try running the script manually to see if it produces any error messages. Additionally, make sure the service is configured correctly and that the registry key is set up properly.