No Fast Forward and Rewind While Playing File from URL: A Comprehensive Guide
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No Fast Forward and Rewind While Playing File from URL: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of not being able to fast forward or rewind while playing a file from a URL? Do you find it frustrating when you need to skip a part of the video or go back to a specific moment, but the player won’t let you? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to overcome this limitation and enjoy seamless video playback from URLs.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand why this problem occurs. When you play a file from a URL, the media player treats it as a live stream, which means it doesn’t have the ability to fast forward or rewind. This is because the player doesn’t have the entire file downloaded, and it’s streaming the content in real-time. As a result, you’re limited to playing the file from start to finish without any control over the playback.

Solutions to the Problem

Luckily, there are a few workarounds to this limitation. Here are some solutions to help you fast forward and rewind while playing a file from a URL:

Method 1: Download the File Locally

One of the simplest solutions is to download the file locally to your computer or device. This way, you can play the file using a local media player, which will allow you to fast forward and rewind as needed. Here’s how:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the URL of the file you want to play.
  2. Right-click on the URL and select “Save As” or “Download Linked File” (the exact option may vary depending on your browser).
  3. Select a location on your computer to save the file and click “Save”.
  4. Once the file is downloaded, open it using a local media player such as VLC, KMPlayer, or Windows Media Player.
  5. Now, you can fast forward and rewind the file as needed using the media player controls.

Method 2: Use a URL- Based Media Player

Another solution is to use a URL-based media player that supports fast forwarding and rewinding. Here are a few options:

  • VLC Media Player: VLC is a popular media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.
  • KMPlayer: KMPlayer is another popular media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.
  • PotPlayer: PotPlayer is a media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.

In the above example, we’re using VLC Media Player to play a video file from a URL. You can replace “vlc.exe” with the path to your VLC Media Player executable, and “” with the URL of the file you want to play.

Method 3: Use a Web-Based Media Player

Some web-based media players also support fast forwarding and rewinding while playing files from URLs. Here are a few options:

  • Plyr: Plyr is a web-based media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.
  • Video.js: Video.js is a web-based media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.
  • JW Player: JW Player is a web-based media player that can play files from URLs and supports fast forwarding and rewinding.
Web-Based Media Player Example Code
Plyr <div id="player"></div>
const player = new Plyr('#player', {
sources: [
src: '',
type: 'video/mp4',
Video.js <video id="video" width="640" height="480" controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
var video = videojs('video');
JW Player <div id="player"></div>
file: "",
width: "640",
height: "480",

In the above examples, we’re using Plyr, Video.js, and JW Player to play a video file from a URL. You can customize the code to fit your needs and add more features as required.


In this article, we’ve covered three methods to overcome the limitation of not being able to fast forward and rewind while playing a file from a URL. By downloading the file locally, using a URL-based media player, or utilizing a web-based media player, you can gain control over the playback and enjoy a seamless video experience. Remember to choose the method that best fits your needs and requirements.


Q: Why can’t I fast forward and rewind while playing a file from a URL?

A: This is because the media player treats the file as a live stream, and it doesn’t have the ability to fast forward or rewind. The player doesn’t have the entire file downloaded, and it’s streaming the content in real-time.

Q: Can I use any media player to play a file from a URL?

A: Not all media players support playing files from URLs. Some popular media players that support URL playback include VLC, KMPlayer, and PotPlayer.

Q: Do web-based media players support fast forwarding and rewinding?

A: Yes, some web-based media players support fast forwarding and rewinding while playing files from URLs. Examples include Plyr, Video.js, and JW Player.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you overcome the limitation of not being able to fast forward and rewind while playing a file from a URL. Happy streaming!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “No fast forward and rewind while playing file from url” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re having trouble playing media files from a URL, you’re not alone! Check out our FAQs below to get the lowdown on why you can’t fast forward or rewind while playing a file from a URL.

Why can’t I fast forward or rewind while playing a file from a URL?

This is because the file is being streamed from a URL, rather than being downloaded and stored locally on your device. This means that the file isn’t fully loaded, so you can’t skip ahead or rewind like you would with a local file. Think of it like listening to the radio – you can’t fast forward through a song that’s currently playing!

Is there a way to enable fast forwarding and rewinding while playing a file from a URL?

Sorry, folks! Due to the way that streaming works, it’s not currently possible to enable fast forwarding and rewinding while playing a file from a URL. But hey, at least you can pause and play to your heart’s content!

Can I download the file instead of streaming it, so I can fast forward and rewind?

If the file is publicly available, you might be able to download it instead of streaming it. However, this will depend on the website or service hosting the file, as well as your internet connection and device storage. If you’re unsure, you can try right-clicking on the file link and selecting “Save as” to see if you can download it locally.

Will this limitation be fixed in the future?

While we can’t predict the future, it’s possible that advancements in streaming technology could enable fast forwarding and rewinding in the future. However, for now, this limitation is a necessary part of how streaming works.

Is this limitation specific to certain file types or browsers?

Nope! This limitation applies to all file types and browsers that support streaming from a URL. Whether you’re using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, and whether you’re streaming audio, video, or another file type, the rules of streaming apply.