VS Code Autocomplete Swapping Between Two Options: A Frustrating Conundrum?
Image by Otameesia - hkhazo.biz.id

VS Code Autocomplete Swapping Between Two Options: A Frustrating Conundrum?

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Are you tired of VS Code’s autocomplete feature constantly swapping between two options, driving you nuts as you try to focus on coding? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this infuriating issue, and today, we’ll dive into the reasons behind it and explore solutions to put an end to this annoyance once and for all.

The Culprit: Intellisense and Its Many Possibilities

VS Code’s autocomplete feature, powered by Intellisense, is an incredible tool that helps you code faster and more efficiently. However, when it comes to displaying multiple options, things can get messy. By default, Intellisense tries to provide the most relevant suggestions based on your code context, which can lead to the swapping issue.

Theories Behind the Swapping Behavior

There are a few theories as to why this swapping occurs:

  • Fuzzy matching: VS Code’s autocomplete feature uses fuzzy matching to provide suggestions based on your input. This means it tries to find the closest match, even if it’s not an exact match. When there are two similar options, the swapping occurs as Intellisense struggles to decide which one is more relevant.
  • Language server limitations: The language server, which provides the autocomplete suggestions, might have limitations or bugs that cause the swapping behavior. This is more likely to happen when working with complex languages or large codebases.
  • Editor configuration: Your VS Code configuration, including extensions and settings, can influence the autocomplete behavior. A misconfigured setting or conflicting extension might be causing the swapping issue.

Solution 1: Disable Fuzzy Matching

One way to resolve the swapping issue is to disable fuzzy matching altogether. This can be done by adding the following setting to your `settings.json` file:

    "editor.suggest.filterMode": "strict"

By setting `editor.suggest.filterMode` to `strict`, you’re telling VS Code to only provide exact matches for autocomplete suggestions. This might reduce the likelihood of swapping between two options, but keep in mind that it might also reduce the overall accuracy of the suggestions.

Solution 2: Adjust Language Server Settings

If you suspect the language server is causing the issue, you can try adjusting its settings. For example, if you’re using the TypeScript language server, you can add the following settings to your `tsconfig.json` file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // ... other options ...
    "noAutoInclude": true

This setting tells the TypeScript compiler to not automatically include type definitions, which might help resolve the swapping issue. However, this might affect the overall accuracy of the autocomplete suggestions.

Solution 3: Review and Adjust Extension Settings

It’s possible that a mismatched or misconfigured extension is causing the swapping issue. Review your installed extensions and check their settings. Look for extensions related to autocomplete, language servers, or IntelliSense, and adjust their settings accordingly.

Extension Setting Description
IntelliSense intelliSense.maxItems Limits the number of autocomplete suggestions displayed.
TypeScript Language Server typescript.tsdk Specifies the TypeScript SDK version used by the language server.
ESLint eslint.validate Enables or disables ESLint validation for specific file types.

Solution 4: Try a Different Autocomplete Provider

If the above solutions don’t work, you might want to consider switching to a different autocomplete provider. For example, you can install the vscode-eslint extension, which provides a more robust and customizable autocomplete experience.

Solution 5: Reset VS Code Settings

If all else fails, you can try resetting your VS Code settings to their default values. This will remove any custom settings or configurations that might be causing the issue. To reset VS Code settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Palette in VS Code by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (macOS).
  2. Type “Reset Settings” and select “Preferences: Reset Settings” from the dropdown list.
  3. Confirm that you want to reset the settings to their default values.

After resetting your settings, try using the autocomplete feature again to see if the swapping issue is resolved.


VS Code’s autocomplete feature is an incredibly powerful tool, but when it starts swapping between two options, it can be frustrating and productivity-sapping. By understanding the theories behind this behavior and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and enjoy a smoother coding experience. Remember to customize your VS Code settings to your liking, and don’t hesitate to explore alternative autocomplete providers or reset your settings if needed.

Happy coding, and may the autocomplete be with you!

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “VS Code autocomplete swapping between two options, is there any way to stop it?” and is designed to provide clear and direct instructions and explanations to help developers resolve the issue. The article uses a creative tone and is formatted using various HTML tags to improve readability and SEO.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most pressing question about VS Code autocomplete!

Is autocomplete swapping between two options driving you crazy in VS Code?

You’re not alone! The good news is that you can stop this behavior by adding the following setting to your VS Code settings.json file: `”editor.suggest.autoSelect”: “off”`. This will prevent VS Code from automatically selecting the first suggestions and allow you to choose the one you want.

What if I want to keep the autocomplete suggestions but still be able to choose the one I want?

In that case, you can set `”editor.suggest.filterMode”` to `”contains”` in your settings.json file. This will allow you to type in multiple characters before VS Code starts suggesting options, giving you more control over what you want to select.

Can I customize the autocomplete suggestions to show more or less options?

Yes, you can! You can set `”editor.suggest.maxVisibleSuggestions”` to a number of your choice (e.g., 5, 10, or 20) in your settings.json file. This will limit the number of suggestions shown in the autocomplete dropdown.

What if I want to completely disable autocomplete for a specific language or file type?

No problem! You can add a language-specific setting in your settings.json file, like `”[javascript] editor.suggest.enabled”: false` (replace “javascript” with the language or file type you want to disable autocomplete for). This will turn off autocomplete for that specific language or file type.

How do I reset my VS Code autocomplete settings to their default values?

Easy peasy! Just delete the relevant settings from your settings.json file, and VS Code will revert to its default autocomplete behavior. If you’re unsure what settings to delete, you can try resetting the entire settings file or reinstalling VS Code.

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