Error running code using Libtorch C++ Windows (VS2022): Solved!
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Error running code using Libtorch C++ Windows (VS2022): Solved!

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The Frustrating Intel MKL FATAL ERROR

Are you tired of encountering the dreaded “Intel MKL FATAL ERROR” when trying to run your Libtorch C++ code on Windows using Visual Studio 2022 (VS2022)? You’re not alone! This error has been plaguing developers for far too long, and it’s time to put an end to it once and for all. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of resolving this frustrating issue.

What is Libtorch, and Why Does it Matter?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a brief moment to understand what Libtorch is and why it’s so important. Libtorch is a C++ frontend to the popular PyTorch machine learning framework. It allows developers to create and execute PyTorch models natively in C++, giving them the power to tap into the vast ecosystem of PyTorch libraries and tools. Libtorch is a game-changer for developers who need to deploy PyTorch models in performance-critical applications.

The Error: Intel MKL FATAL ERROR

The error message “Intel MKL FATAL ERROR” is often accompanied by a cryptic error code, leaving developers wondering what went wrong. The error typically occurs when trying to execute a Libtorch program that relies on Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL). MKL is a highly optimized math library used by many deep learning frameworks, including PyTorch.

Causes of the Error

The “Intel MKL FATAL ERROR” can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Missing or corrupted MKL libraries
  • Incompatible MKL versions
  • Incorrect linker settings in VS2022
  • Missing or incorrect environment variables
  • Clashing dependencies between Libtorch and other libraries

Step-by-Step Solution to the Error

To resolve the “Intel MKL FATAL ERROR” and get your Libtorch C++ code running smoothly on Windows using VS2022, follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify Libtorch Installation

Ensure you have installed Libtorch correctly using the official installation guide. You can download the pre-built Libtorch binaries for Windows from the PyTorch website. Make sure to choose the correct version that matches your VS2022 installation (e.g., VS2022 64-bit).

Step 2: Install Intel MKL

Download and install the Intel MKL library from the Intel website. Choose the correct version that matches your system architecture (e.g., 64-bit). Make sure to install the MKL redistributable package, which includes the necessary DLL files.

Step 3: Configure VS2022 Project Settings

Open your VS2022 project and navigate to the “Project Properties” window. Under “C/C++” -> “General”, add the following include directories:


Under “Linker” -> “General”, add the following library directories:


Under “Linker” -> “Input”, add the following library dependencies:


Step 4: Set Environment Variables

In your system environment variables, add the following variables:

Variable Name Value
MKL_DLL C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\bin\mkl_rt.dll
PATH C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\bin;%PATH%

Adjust the paths according to your system configuration.

Step 5: Verify Dependency Versions

Ensure that all dependencies, including Libtorch and MKL, are compatible with each other. You can check the version numbers using the following code:


int main() {
    std::cout << "Libtorch version: " << torch::version::version << std::endl;
    std::cout << "MKL version: " << torch::version::mkl_version() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Compile and run this code to verify the version numbers.

Step 6: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Clean and rebuild your VS2022 project to ensure that all changes take effect.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

While following the above steps should resolve the "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR", you might still encounter some issues. Here are some common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips:

  1. Corrupted MKL Installation: If you've installed MKL multiple times, try uninstalling all previous versions and reinstalling the latest one.

  2. Incompatible VS2022 Version: Ensure that your VS2022 installation matches the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) of your system and Libtorch installation.

  3. torch_cpu.lib Not Found
    : Verify that the Libtorch installation directory contains the torch_cpu.lib file. If not, reinstall Libtorch.

  4. MKL DLL Not Found: Check that the MKL DLL files are present in the system PATH. If not, adjust the PATH environment variable accordingly.


In this exhaustive guide, we've walked you through the process of resolving the "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR" when running Libtorch C++ code on Windows using VS2022. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should now be able to execute your Libtorch programs without any issues. Remember to double-check your dependencies, environment variables, and project settings to ensure a smooth and error-free experience.

Happy coding, and may the power of Libtorch be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with an "Error running code using Libtorch C++ Windows (VS2022)" and the dreaded "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR"? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and overcome this hurdle.

Q: What is the most common cause of the "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR" when using Libtorch C++ on Windows with VS2022?

A: The most common cause of this error is usually due to a mismatch between the Intel MKL and the Libtorch version. Make sure to check that you're using compatible versions of both Intel MKL and Libtorch. You can check the Libtorch documentation for compatible versions.

Q: How do I check the version of Intel MKL installed on my system?

A: You can check the version of Intel MKL installed on your system by running the command `mklserv.exe -v` in your command prompt. This will display the version of Intel MKL installed on your system.

Q: What is the recommended way to link Libtorch with Intel MKL in a VS2022 project?

A: The recommended way to link Libtorch with Intel MKL in a VS2022 project is to use the `torch::kDNNL` backend with the `torch::kMkl` blas engine. You can do this by adding the following code to your project: `torch::CsvParser::setBackend(torch::kDNNL); torch::CsvParser::setBlasEngine(torch::kBlasEngine::kMkl);`.

Q: What if I'm still getting the "Intel MKL FATAL ERROR" after checking the version and linking Libtorch correctly?

A: If you're still getting the error after checking the version and linking Libtorch correctly, try reinstalling Intel MKL and Libtorch. Make sure to uninstall any existing versions before reinstalling. You can also try deleting the `mkl.dll` file from your system and then reinstalling Intel MKL.

Q: Are there any alternative libraries that I can use instead of Intel MKL with Libtorch?

A: Yes, you can use OpenBLAS as an alternative to Intel MKL with Libtorch. OpenBLAS is an open-source implementation of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) API. You can link Libtorch with OpenBLAS by setting the `BLAS_IMPL` environment variable to `OpenBLAS` before compiling your code.

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