How to Completely Refresh a Page in a Browser in Python + Flet in Web Mode
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How to Completely Refresh a Page in a Browser in Python + Flet in Web Mode

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Are you tired of dealing with stuck pages and outdated content in your Flet application? Do you want to know the secret to refreshing your page with the click of a button? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to completely refresh a page in a browser using Python and Flet in web mode.

Why Do You Need to Refresh a Page?

There are several reasons why you might need to refresh a page in your Flet application:

  • Updating content: If your app fetches data from an API or a database, you might need to refresh the page to display the latest updates.

  • Clearing session data: Refreshing the page can help clear out session data, such as login information or temporary variables.

  • debugging: Refreshing the page can help you debug issues by reloading the application state.

Understanding Flet’s Page Refresh Mechanism

Flet, a Python-based UI framework, provides a built-in mechanism for refreshing pages in web mode. When you run a Flet application in web mode, it creates a new instance of the application on each page reload. This means that any changes made to the application state will be lost when the page is reloaded.

To overcome this limitation, we’ll use a combination of Flet’s page navigation and Python’s ability to manipulate the browser’s history.

Method 1: Using Flet’s Page Navigation

The simplest way to refresh a page in Flet is by using the `page.go` method. This method takes a URL as an argument and navigates to that URL.

import flet as ft

def main(page):
    def refresh_page(e):

In this example, we define a `refresh_page` function that navigates to the root URL (`’/’`) when called. This will reload the page and update the application state.

Pros and Cons

This method is easy to implement and works well for simple applications. However, it has some limitations:

Pros Cons
Easy to implement Does not work well with complex applications
Works well for simple applications May lose application state

Method 2: Using Python’s `javascript_eval`

A more powerful way to refresh a page is by using Python’s `javascript_eval` method. This method executes a JavaScript expression in the browser’s context.

import flet as ft

def main(page):
    def refresh_page(e):

In this example, we use the `javascript_eval` method to execute the JavaScript expression `window.location.reload()`, which reloads the current page.

Pros and Cons

This method provides more control over the page refresh process and works well with complex applications. However, it has some limitations:

Pros Cons
Provides more control Requires knowledge of JavaScript
Works well with complex applications May cause compatibility issues

Method 3: Using Browser’s History API

The most powerful way to refresh a page is by using the browser’s History API. This API provides a way to manipulate the browser’s history and reload the page.

import flet as ft

def main(page):
    def refresh_page(e):

In this example, we use the `javascript_eval` method to execute the JavaScript expression `window.history.go(0)`, which reloads the current page using the browser’s History API.

Pros and Cons

This method provides the most control over the page refresh process and works well with complex applications. It’s also compatible with most browsers:

Pros Cons
Provides most control Requires knowledge of JavaScript
Works well with complex applications None


In this comprehensive guide, we showed you three methods for completely refreshing a page in a browser using Python and Flet in web mode. Each method has its pros and cons, and the choice of method depends on your specific use case.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to create robust and dynamic Flet applications that provide a seamless user experience. Happy coding!

Keywords: Flet, Python, Web Mode, Page Refresh, Browser, JavaScript

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with stagnant page loads in your Python + Flet web app? Do you want to know the secret to completely refreshing a page in a browser? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with these top 5 FAQs.

How do I refresh a page in Python + Flet web mode using the Flet framework?

You can use the `page.window.location.reload()` method to completely refresh the page. This will reload the page from the server, ensuring that any updates are reflected. Simply call this method in your Python code, and voilĂ ! Your page will be refreshed.

Can I use the `page.update()` method to refresh the page?

While `page.update()` does update the page, it only updates the UI components and doesn’t reload the page from the server. If you need to refresh the page completely, `page.window.location.reload()` is the way to go. However, if you only need to update the UI, `page.update()` is a more lightweight option.

How do I refresh a page in Python + Flet web mode using JavaScript?

You can use the `js.window.location.reload()` method to refresh the page from JavaScript. This will have the same effect as the Python method, reloading the page from the server. Just make sure to import the `js` module and call the method accordingly.

Will refreshing the page lose user input data?

Yes, refreshing the page will lose any unsaved user input data. If you need to preserve user input, consider using a different approach, such as submitting the data to the server or using a caching mechanism to store the input temporarily.

Can I programmatically refresh the page at regular intervals?

Yes, you can use a timer or a scheduling library like `schedule` or `apscheduler` to refresh the page at regular intervals. Simply schedule the `page.window.location.reload()` method to be called at the desired interval, and the page will be refreshed automatically.

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