Accessibility Identifier Not Working the Same Starting with iOS 15? Here’s What You Need to Know
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Accessibility Identifier Not Working the Same Starting with iOS 15? Here’s What You Need to Know

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Are you frustrated with your accessibility identifier not working as expected since upgrading to iOS 15? You’re not alone! Many developers and testers have reported issues with this feature, and we’re here to help you navigate the changes and get your accessibility identifier up and running smoothly.

What is an Accessibility Identifier?

An accessibility identifier, also known as an accessibility ID, is a unique identifier assigned to an element in your app’s user interface. This identifier helps automation tools, like Appium, identify and interact with specific elements during testing. It’s an essential tool for ensuring your app is accessible and user-friendly.

What’s Changed in iOS 15?

With the release of iOS 15, Apple introduced significant changes to how accessibility identifiers work. One of the most significant changes is that the accessibility identifier is no longer enabled by default for all elements. This means that you’ll need to explicitly enable it for each element you want to access.

Why is My Accessibility Identifier Not Working?

If your accessibility identifier is not working as expected, there are a few common reasons why this might be happening:

  • Your app is not opting-in to the new accessibility identifier behavior.
  • The element you’re trying to access doesn’t have an accessibility identifier set.
  • The accessibility identifier is not properly configured.
  • There’s a conflict with other accessibility features.

How to Fix the Issue

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the steps to fix the issue and get your accessibility identifier working again:

Step 1: Opt-in to the New Accessibility Identifier Behavior

In order to use the new accessibility identifier feature, you’ll need to opt-in by adding the following code to your app’s Info.plist file:


Step 2: Set the Accessibility Identifier for Each Element

For each element you want to access, you’ll need to set the accessibility identifier using the `accessibilityIdentifier` property. For example:

let button = UIButton()
button.accessibilityIdentifier = "myButton"

Step 3: Verify the Accessibility Identifier Configuration

Make sure the accessibility identifier is properly configured by checking the following:

  • The accessibility identifier is unique for each element.
  • The accessibility identifier is not empty or null.
  • The accessibility identifier is set before the element is added to the view hierarchy.

Step 4: Troubleshoot Conflicts with Other Accessibility Features

If you’re still experiencing issues, try disabling other accessibility features to see if they’re interfering with the accessibility identifier. Common culprits include:

  • VoiceOver
  • Zoom
  • AssistiveTouch

Bonus Tips and Best Practices

To get the most out of your accessibility identifier, here are some additional tips and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use unique and descriptive identifiers**: Avoid using generic identifiers like “button” or “label”. Instead, use descriptive identifiers that indicate the element’s purpose, such as “loginButton” or “userNameLabel”.
  2. Set the accessibility identifier programmatically**: Avoid setting the accessibility identifier in your app’s storyboard or xib file. Instead, set it programmatically to ensure it’s properly configured at runtime.
  3. Use the accessibility identifier for testing only**: Remember that the accessibility identifier is intended for testing purposes only. Avoid using it for other purposes, such as analytics or tracking.


With these steps and tips, you should be able to get your accessibility identifier working smoothly again. Remember to opt-in to the new accessibility identifier behavior, set the accessibility identifier for each element, verify the configuration, and troubleshoot any conflicts with other accessibility features. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating a more accessible and user-friendly app.

Common Issues Solutions
Accessibility identifier not working Opt-in to the new accessibility identifier behavior, set the accessibility identifier for each element, and verify the configuration.
Conflicts with other accessibility features Disable other accessibility features to troubleshoot the issue.
Accessibility identifier not unique Use unique and descriptive identifiers for each element.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to overcome the challenges of iOS 15’s accessibility identifier changes and create a more accessible and user-friendly app. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

iOS 15 has brought about a lot of changes, and some of them have left developers scratching their heads. One of the most common issues being faced is that accessibilityIdentifiers are not working the same way they used to. Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about this issue.

What’s changed in iOS 15 that’s affecting accessibilityIdentifiers?

Starting with iOS 15, Apple has introduced a more secure way of handling accessibilityIdentifiers. It’s no longer possible to use static strings as accessibilityIdentifiers. Instead, you need to use the new `UIAccessibilityIdentifier` class to generate unique identifiers for your elements.

How do I generate a unique accessibilityIdentifier using the new UIAccessibilityIdentifier class?

You can generate a unique accessibilityIdentifier by creating an instance of the `UIAccessibilityIdentifier` class and passing a unique string to its initializer. For example, `let identifier = UIAccessibilityIdentifier(“myUniqueIdentifier”)`. You can then use this identifier to set the `accessibilityIdentifier` property of your element.

Why are my automated tests failing after updating to iOS 15?

If your automated tests are using static strings to identify elements, they will likely fail after updating to iOS 15. This is because the new `UIAccessibilityIdentifier` class generates unique identifiers that are different from the static strings you were using before. You’ll need to update your tests to use the new `UIAccessibilityIdentifier` class to generate identifiers that match the ones used in your app.

Can I still use static strings as accessibilityIdentifiers for debugging purposes?

While it’s not recommended to use static strings as accessibilityIdentifiers in production code, you can still use them for debugging purposes. You can enable the `UIAccessibilityStaticIdentifiersEnabled` launch argument in your scheme to allow the use of static strings as accessibilityIdentifiers. However, keep in mind that this is only meant for debugging and should not be used in production code.

What’s the benefit of using the new UIAccessibilityIdentifier class?

The new `UIAccessibilityIdentifier` class provides a more secure way of handling accessibilityIdentifiers. It generates unique identifiers that are not easily reversible, which helps to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. Additionally, it allows you to easily manage and update identifiers across different versions of your app.

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