Pandas: Create a New Column Based on Another DataFrame with Matching Condition
Image by Otameesia -

Pandas: Create a New Column Based on Another DataFrame with Matching Condition

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Welcome to this tutorial, where we’ll delve into the world of Pandas and learn how to create a new column in a DataFrame based on another DataFrame with a matching condition. This is a crucial skill to have in your data manipulation arsenal, and by the end of this article, you’ll be a master of it!

Why Do We Need This?

Imagine you’re working on a project where you have two DataFrames: one containing customer information and another containing order details. You want to add a new column to the customer DataFrame that indicates the total amount spent by each customer. However, this information is only available in the order DataFrame. What do you do?

This is where the power of Pandas comes in! With its robust data manipulation capabilities, you can easily create a new column in one DataFrame based on matching conditions in another DataFrame. Sounds exciting, right? Let’s dive in!

Setting Up the Example

For this tutorial, we’ll create two sample DataFrames: `customers` and `orders`. The `customers` DataFrame will contain customer information, and the `orders` DataFrame will contain order details.

import pandas as pd

# Create the customers DataFrame
customers = pd.DataFrame({
    'CustomerID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'Name': ['John', 'Mary', 'David', 'Emma', 'Oliver'],
    'City': ['New York', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Houston', 'Philadelphia']

# Create the orders DataFrame
orders = pd.DataFrame({
    'OrderID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
    'CustomerID': [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5],
    'OrderAmount': [100, 200, 50, 150, 250, 300, 400]

The `customers` DataFrame looks like this:

CustomerID Name City
1 John New York
2 Mary Chicago
3 David Los Angeles
4 Emma Houston
5 Oliver Philadelphia

The `orders` DataFrame looks like this:

OrderID CustomerID OrderAmount
1 1 100
2 1 200
3 2 50
4 3 150
5 3 250
6 4 300
7 5 400

The Magic Happens!

Now that we have our DataFrames set up, let’s create a new column in the `customers` DataFrame that indicates the total amount spent by each customer. We’ll use the `merge` function to achieve this.

# Merge the customers and orders DataFrames on the CustomerID column
merged_df = pd.merge(customers, orders.groupby('CustomerID')['OrderAmount'].sum().reset_index(), on='CustomerID')

# Rename the OrderAmount column to TotalSpent
merged_df = merged_df.rename(columns={'OrderAmount': 'TotalSpent'})


The resulting DataFrame looks like this:

CustomerID Name City TotalSpent
1 John New York 300
2 Mary Chicago 50
3 David Los Angeles 400
4 Emma Houston 300
5 Oliver Philadelphia 400

Você! We’ve successfully created a new column in the `customers` DataFrame based on the matching condition in the `orders` DataFrame.

How It Works

Let’s break down the code step by step:

  1. orders.groupby('CustomerID')['OrderAmount'].sum().reset_index(): This line of code groups the `orders` DataFrame by the `CustomerID` column and calculates the sum of the `OrderAmount` column for each group. The resulting DataFrame is then reset to have a column for the `CustomerID` and another for the summed `OrderAmount`.
  2. pd.merge(customers, ..., on='CustomerID'): This line of code merges the `customers` DataFrame with the resulting DataFrame from step 1 based on the `CustomerID` column.
  3. .rename(columns={'OrderAmount': 'TotalSpent'}): This line of code renames the `OrderAmount` column to `TotalSpent` in the merged DataFrame.


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to create a new column in a Pandas DataFrame based on another DataFrame with a matching condition. This powerful technique allows us to perform complex data manipulation tasks with ease.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Try experimenting with different DataFrames and matching conditions to solidify your understanding of this concept.

Stay Curious, Keep Learning!

Thanks for joining me on this journey into the world of Pandas! If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Happy coding, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!

Frequently Asked Question

Adding new columns to a Pandas DataFrame based on conditions from another DataFrame can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How do I create a new column in a Pandas DataFrame based on a condition from another DataFrame?

You can use the `merge` function or the `map` function to create a new column based on a condition from another DataFrame. For example, if you have two DataFrames, `df1` and `df2`, and you want to add a new column to `df1` based on a condition from `df2`, you can use the following code: `df1[‘new_column’] = df1[‘column_to_match’].map(df2.set_index(‘column_to_match’)[‘column_to_get’])`. This will create a new column in `df1` with the values from `df2` based on the matching condition.

How do I handle missing values when creating a new column based on a condition from another DataFrame?

When creating a new column based on a condition from another DataFrame, you may encounter missing values. To handle these missing values, you can use the `fillna` method or the `dropna` method. For example, if you want to fill missing values with a specific value, you can use `df1[‘new_column’].fillna(‘default_value’)`. Alternatively, if you want to drop rows with missing values, you can use `df1.dropna(subset=[‘new_column’])`.

Can I use multiple conditions to create a new column based on another DataFrame?

Yes, you can use multiple conditions to create a new column based on another DataFrame. One way to do this is by using the `np.where` function, which allows you to specify multiple conditions and corresponding values. For example, `df1[‘new_column’] = np.where((df1[‘column1’] > 0) & (df1[‘column2’] < 10), df2['column_to_get'], 'default_value')`. This will create a new column in `df1` with values from `df2` based on the multiple conditions specified.

How do I optimize the performance of creating a new column based on a condition from another DataFrame?

To optimize the performance of creating a new column based on a condition from another DataFrame, you can use techniques such as indexing, caching, and vectorized operations. For example, you can create an index on the column used for matching, use the ` merge` function with the `how` parameter set to `inner` or `left`, and use vectorized operations such as `np.where` or `pd.Series.apply`. Additionally, you can consider using databases such as SQLite or PostgreSQL to store and query large datasets.

Can I use this method to create multiple new columns based on different conditions from another DataFrame?

Yes, you can use this method to create multiple new columns based on different conditions from another DataFrame. You can use the `merge` function or the `map` function multiple times to create new columns based on different conditions. Alternatively, you can use the `pd.Series.apply` function with a custom function that takes into account multiple conditions. This will allow you to create multiple new columns in a single operation.